Nairn Beach Adventures
Neil's Nairn Adventures Podcast
Nairn Beach Notes

Nairn Beach Notes

Wandering and musings whilst on the beach

Monday 10th January 2022

Turning the corner the lampost lights on the prom turn off. I guess that means it is officially daytime. Earlier to the beach today. I have to double-check my watch that I haven’t come down at some ridiculous hour by mistake. A feeling of being in the middle of the night at the start of the day.

Car headlights on full beam in the half-light. Lights flicker from the lighthouse across the firth and on the early flight coming into Inverness. Warmer today, 6C, no need for gloves. Gulls laughing and whirling up above. A single Oystercatcher in search of his mates, flying fast, just feet from the waves.

Sandy beach with frothy flat waves approaching from the right.  Grey sky above.
Nairn beach looking West. Image credit Neil Mapes

No one on the beach this Monday morning. The families of yesterday now departed. Just me and a pair of crows watching the tide. The crow has placed itself on a seaweed capped rock, just above the approaching wave. The water circles underneath the crow’s feet as he cocks his head to see what the tide has brought in for breakfast. It signals a warning at me, defending the prime location rock pool. Waiting for crabs.

Is there something you are waiting for? Is there something you previously wanted, which after some waiting, came into your life?

Wait and see by the sea.

Nairn Beach Adventures
Neil's Nairn Adventures Podcast
Nairn based Runner, Sea Swimmer and Social Enterprise leader sharing support and tips to get your next adventure or venture started and keep you going.
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